The PIN Pad API is a critical interface that enables developers to integrate their applications with the PIN Pad, allowing for seamless communication and control over payment processing functions.
Your application will establish a connection to the PIN Pad with one of the available protocols and then communicate with it via the PIN Pad API.
Here’s a list of the main capabilities offered by the API:
The API allows your application to initiate payments on the PIN Pad for specified amounts and parameters. Key features include:
Customer Tip Addition: Customers can specify a tip amount during the payment process.
Manual Card Entry: Users can manually enter card details if the card’s chip or contactless options are unavailable.
Payment Cancellation: The API allows for the cancellation of card payments if needed.
Cash Payment Option: Customers can choose to pay in cash, providing flexibility in payment methods.
Operations on Past Transactions
The API provides functionality for managing previous transactions, enabling users to perform various operations as needed:
Tip Adjustment: Modify the tip amount associated with a completed transaction.
Refund: Process refunds for previous transactions.
Void: Cancel transactions that have been authorized but not yet captured and settled.
Capture: Complete a previously authorized payment by capturing the funds.
Batch Report
The API allows your application to request the current Open Batch Report from the PIN Pad.
Batch Closing (settlement)
The API also enables your application to initiate Batch Closing, allowing users to settle all transactions in the current open batch.
Please refer to the API Reference for comprehensive integration documentation. This resource includes guidelines and examples to facilitate the integration process.
Updated 4 months ago