
The Capture feature in the Pinpad API allows businesses to finalize and collect authorized payments. Once a transaction has been authorized, it remains pending until it is captured. Capturing ensures that the reserved funds from the customer’s account are transferred to the merchant, completing the transaction.

When a payment is authorized, the amount is reserved on the customer’s card but not yet transferred to the merchant. The Capture process confirms the transaction and moves the funds from the customer's account to the merchant's. It’s typically used for scenarios where there’s a delay between authorization and fulfillment, such as when shipping goods or confirming services.

Key Features

• Completing Transactions: Finalizes authorized payments and initiates the transfer of funds to the merchant.
• Partial Capture Support: Allows capturing only part of the authorized amount if needed, providing flexibility for adjustments.
• Authorization Validation: Ensures that only previously authorized transactions are captured to prevent double-charging.
• Transaction Status Update: Updates the transaction status to reflect that it has been successfully captured and completed.

Business Advantages

The Capture feature provides businesses with flexibility by allowing a delay between authorization and payment settlement, ensuring the funds are only captured when the product or service is fulfilled. This functionality is essential for reducing chargeback risks and managing cash flow efficiently.

By leveraging the Capture feature, businesses can streamline their payment operations, offer better customer service, and ensure timely collection of funds for smoother financial management.