In-app features
There are some administrative features available within the PIN Pad app, allowing users to manage transactions and customize settings directly from the app's user interface.
Overview of Past Transactions: Users can view a comprehensive list of previously processed transactions, which may include details such as transaction IDs, amounts, dates, and payment methods. This historical data is essential for record-keeping and financial tracking.
Perform Additional Operations: The app enables users to take various actions on past transactions, providing flexibility and control:
Tip Adjustment: Users can modify the tip amount associated with a specific transaction, which is particularly useful in service industries where tips may be added after the initial payment.
Refund: The app allows users to issue refunds for completed transactions, returning funds to the customer’s payment method if the product or service was returned or canceled.
Void: Users can void transactions that have not yet been captured and settled, effectively canceling them before any funds are transferred.
Capture: For transactions that were previously authorized but not captured, users can complete the payment process by capturing the funds, ensuring that the payment is finalized.
Batch Report
Current Open Batch Report: Users can access the current batch report, which provides a summary of all transactions processed since the last batch closing.
Close (Settle) the Batch: The app provides the option to close the open batch directly from the interface. Closing the batch initiates the settlement process, where the authorized funds are transferred from the customers’ accounts to the merchant’s account, ensuring accurate financial reconciliation.
App Settings and Parameters
Adjust settings: Users can modify various settings within the app to tailor its functionality to their specific needs.
View Current Parameters: The app allows users to see the current settings and configurations, helping them stay informed about how the PIN pad is set up and functioning.
In summary, the PIN Pad app provides a user-friendly interface for managing transaction operations, monitoring batch reports, and adjusting settings. These features empower users to handle various payment-related tasks efficiently, ensuring smooth operations and enhancing the overall payment processing experience for merchants.
Updated 25 days ago